Thursday 25 October 2012

Season 1.5??

Season 1.5 Week One

John The Craven's News Round

First things first. It shouldn't have happened but it did. That's so often the way, that often it goes unnoticed. Usually it comes down to the men in suits. Sometimes the wizards in suits. Either way, suits are the key to it all. Suits and politics.

It will go down in history as the season that never was, or was but wasn't. The crowd took a popular anthem as their cry for fairness, the media saw things a different way. Footage of that non-season was always backed by these haunting words:
Rise so high, yet so far to fall.
A plan of dignity and balance for all.
Political breakthrough, euphoria's high.
More borrowed money, more borrowed time.
Backed in a corner, caught up in the race.
Means to an end ended in disgrace.
Perspective is lost in the spirit of the chase.

No one quite knows how exactly that season came to be a none season, or how the teams were divided into two divisions. It was seen, witnessed even. But a hand of secrecy clouded the view.

Either way it came to pass that The Cravens had played four games and suffered many hideous trials in some kind of pre-season warm up campaign. A campaign that had seen them face today's opponents just two games ago. A game so bloody that a dead Craven took the MVP as a sign of the surprising lack of cowardice in that one.

The Karneth Cruelhearts hosted at a strange venue, on an evening dictated by the Networks. Even so 17000 fans turned out to scream for blood and gore. And maybe the odd touch down.

Your favourites and mine, The Cravens were outgunned to the point that Skitter Stab Stab found the nerve to turn out for the boys in Purple and Yellow. And what an impact he had on the game. The Cravens opted to receive first, and Skitter made the perfect play to put them 1-0 up half way through the first half. The Dark Elfs sensed a shoot out was in the offing so scored hard and fast themselves, just before half time. The Cravens had suffered a death to Whiff Whiff. He'd impressed in his early games with an MVP and a pass, and was starting to master the art of blocking before he was savagely cut down on the line of scrimmage by a rookie.

Still, undetered by the violence around him Skitter called for the ball and once again made it to the end one TOUCHDOWN!!!! 2-1 to the Cravens at half time.

The Second half started and things looked grim. Sure the Cruelhearts had lost a player or two to a block and a judicious (but not unnoticed) boot to the face, but the Cravens felt that it was likely to go from bad to worse. The Cruelhearts struck hard and fast, taking out Slarqx, the more promising of the two blitzers, who had bossed a few Dark Elfs previously with his Mighty Blows. For a moment he seemed to be lost to the world, only for the Doc to bring him back to life. Still, he wont be ready to play in the Craven's next game, and the score was 2-2.

An audacious plan was launched to see Da Warped Biggun pitch in with a touchdown again, but his luck failed him and left the Cruelhearts an easy score to go ahead for the first time in the game.

The Craven's set up for a goblin chuck but the Cruelhearts anticipated well and their defence was simply perfect. With two turns to go the coach came up with a different plan. Send as many players deep as possible and hope that the Dark Elfs couldn't mark them all. As it happens they could, but Smelly Steve spotted a chance that only a goblin could, and squirmed through the ranks into the endzone. The ball was deep in the Cravens own half but some quick feet got it to Slerqx in to Short Pass range and the crowd went absolutely mental as the Hellpit Craven's equalised with the last play of the game. 3-3 the score at the end, and coach Blocknroll
was keen to point out that he has been behind in most of the 8 draws in a row him and Avatar have played out.
Oh and the mvp for the Craven's? Yes, once again it went to the dead guy.....

Up next? Those jammy shites the Shankers..... stay tuned......

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